On Wednesday morning, Leverton’s IMPACT and Investec’s INSPIRE groups came together for another successful event.
We had so much to cover that we are going to be arranging another co-event later in the year to focus on how to have a difficult conversation with your team; whether it be around their compensation, expectations etc.
Duncan Coombe took to the floor to go through the BART Management Model. It can be found here in more detail.
B: Boundary
A: Authority
R: Role
T: Tasks
We spoke about the importance of creating a strong sense of ‘we’ and the ‘us and them’ to bring teams together. This can work in your team, projects teams or in your home life.
This followed into how democracy doesn’t work in a team where clear decision making is needed. If you have two leaders, that should be managed carefully and you need to make sure nothing from the team comes between the leaders; similar to parenting.
We then moved onto the importance of creating a clear sense of mission that isn’t related to the financial goals of the company. For example, why you are there, what you are trying to achieve as a team.
In our groups we discussed how to manage people when menial tasks need to be done. Making sure the person doing the tasks is aware of why it is important and what the impact of not doing it would be.
We also talked about rotating tasks, so that managers had a sense of challenges and were able to benefit from the Player/Coach model.
About the Speaker:
Duncan is Head of Organisation Development and in that capacity is responsible for Leadership Development, Team Development and the articulation and development of the Firm’s culture and values. He has been working in various capacities at Investec Asset Management since 1997, including originally heading the Advisor channel in South Africa and then developing the UK advisor business from 1999.
In addition to his work at Investec Asset Management, Duncan is also Adjunct Professor of Organisational Behaviour and Leadership at IMD Business School. He has a Doctorate in Organisational Behaviour from the Weatherhead School of Management, an MBA from IMD, an LLB (Dean’s Merit List) and a Bachelor of Social Science (majors in Psychology and Economics) from the University of Cape Town.
His academic research focuses on leadership and the psychology of leadership. In addition to his academic publications, Duncan co-authored the award winning book “Care to Dare: Unleashing the Astonishing Power of Secure Base Leadership”.