IMPACT Newsletter: July 2023

It’s been a jam-packed month, as you know we hosted the first of our ‘Growing up in Asset Management’ series last Wednesday with Capital Group and Wellington Management, focusing on the early years, our fantastic panel shared some real insights and great top tips. It was really lovely to witness the remarkable talent displayed by the young generation, reaffirming our commitment to supporting them during their early careers. Thank you so much for those of you who attended, it was a great conversation and I look forward to seeing you at future events.

Below, you will find a complication of articles from July.


Founder and Managing Director of Leverton Search & IMPACT

Women @ Work 2023 : A Global Outlook  

Since 2021, Women @ Work: A Global Outlook has provided insight into women’s experiences in the workplace. The picture has not been a positive one: 2021’s findings were dominated by the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women, while 2022 showed an equally concerning and stark picture of increasing exposure to non-inclusive behaviours, burnout, and challenges with hybrid working.

Despite signs of progress in burnout and stress levels, mental health is still a concern, and many women are struggling to switch off from work. Fewer women say they get adequate mental health support from their employers, and several factors point to a persistent workplace mental health stigma.

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Treasury Committee Launches Fresh Inquiry into ‘sexism in the city’  

The Treasury Select Committee has launched a new inquiry into “sexism in the city”, which looks at the barriers faced by women in financial services. The inquiry will examine the progress made in removing the gender pay gap and what role the government and regulator should play in “combatting sexual harassment and misogyny”.

MPs will also explore the role the government and regulator hold in acting as gender diversity role models. Additionally, how these two bodies should ensure cultures and policies support women’s aspirations and progress, and whether financial services careers should be marketed to a more diverse base of individuals.

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 Over half of Women Face Maternity Discrimination  

More than half of all mothers have faced some form of discrimination while pregnant, on maternity leave or on their return to work, according to campaign group Pregnant Then Screwed.

The group surveyed more than 24,000 parents, revealing that almost a fifth (19%) had left their employer due to a negative experience related to their maternity. The research also found that 74% of women had received comments that their performance had dipped due to pregnancy or maternity leave. Almost two-thirds (64%) of pregnant women said their boss or colleagues had made hurtful comments about the way they looked. One in 10 said they were bullied or harassed when pregnant or returning to work, and 7% were made redundant or forced to leave due to a flexible working request being declined or health and safety issues.

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Future Asset: The project giving young women opportunities in Finance  

Now more than five years old, Future Asset was set up specifically to give high school girls in Scotland more information about, and opportunities to explore, possible careers in investment management. It’s an area that, like other financial services, has something of an image problem amongst young people who (like many adults) tend to assume it’s all “dull, boring, all about spreadsheets and all about maths.”  

The attempts to change this started in 2017 with “a big, professional style conference”. Made possible by generous funding by prominent investment management firms such as Stewart Investors, the event saw girls from all over Scotland invited to Edinburgh for the day.

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