Personal Brand & Individual Style for the Professional Woman

On the 19th September IMPACT and Capital came together to learn and develop our personal brand and individual style in the work place. DAI creator Joanna, alongside International Stylist and founder of The Loved Object, Jennifer, led an interactive and dynamic workshop packed with real life practical advice that could be implemented in our day to day life.

We covered:

  • Dressing for your body shape
  • How to express your personality in a corporate setting (yes, you can wear colour!)
  • What colours work in any outfit and season, on any person (Mustard; who knew?)
  • Where to invest and where to save in your wardrobe

It was emphasized that we should invest in our core items; we all know we will wear our favourite jeans until they are completely knackered whereas if you are thinking of trying a new trend for the season, you should buy from high-street brands such as Zara as fashion is constantly changing. Another good piece of advice was that when you spend money on an item of clothing you should be able to envision it working three different ways in your wardrobe.

Both Joanna and Jennifer are strong believers in building a capsule wardrobe that will not only help your purse strings, but the environment too. We were lucky enough to have the DAI collection showcased during the evening; not only does the range come across as elegantly timeless designed with Savile road tailors to fit women’s curves, but it is sustainable. The manufacturer in Italy is completely run off renewable energy therefore the brand is carbon neutral. Beyond this it is designed with the modern woman in mind being non-crease and machine washable, so say goodbye to your bi-weekly trip to the drycleaners!

Thank you to the fabulous ladies at Capital who modelled it for us on the catwalk so we could see first-hand how this gorgeous collection suits all body types and is diverse enough to go from bossing it in the board room to relaxing in the bar after work with a G&T.


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