Following on from International Women’s Day, nominations are now open for the Women in Investment Awards. Leverton were finalists last year and this year we would love to be shortlisted again for the Contribution to Gender Diversity Award. If you would like to nominate us please click here.
Why not browse the categories and nominate your fellow colleagues while you are at it; the deadline for nominations is the 26th April.
We are busy planning some exciting events which we will be able to share with you in our next newsletter!
I hope you enjoy my pick of the top articles this month.
Founder and Managing Director of Leverton Search & IMPACT
“What International Women’s Day means for Investment Management”
A study by Mercer has revealed that 46% of financial services employees are now women. Some may be surprised by this figure and may have assumed this percentage would be lower. However, it is clear, as an industry we still have a long way to go. The increase of women in the industry has predominantly been at a junior level with the study revealing that of the top ranking roles in finance women represent only 15% and only 4% are CEOs. This highlights there is still some work to do!
“Female Managers are leading the way for Investment Trusts”
Investment week reports on the best-performing female investment trust managers over the past five years. This article is a joy to read and gives such well-deserved notice and praise to high performing females in an environment where there is still male dominance. At Leverton we hope to read more and more of these articles highlighting such achievements!
“Built for Women, by Women Financial Advice Platform”
Historically, women are underrepresented and underinvested in the stock market. A 2018 study from Fidelity found that only 44% of women, compared to 59% of men actively invest outside of their retirement accounts proving this point. Initiatives such as this platform will hopefully give women the knowledge and resources to be more confident, bolder and informed in their approach and choices when it comes to their finances.
“Women in one-quarter of senior jobs by 2020”
Coming from the world’s largest listed hedge fund manager it is great to see they aim to have women make up a third of their board by 2020. Hopefully this target will change to aim for half of their board to be represented by females. After all, that really would be equality! That said, it really is good to see all the conversations at the moment surrounding equality and diversity are aiding the changes coming from such giants in the industry and we hope to see more change like this.